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Beyond Gee Whiz Website

Eye-popping graphics are great for those with broadband Internet connections and fast computers running the "right" software, but most of us aren't at technology's bleeding edge, so - instead of being dazzled - page downloads take forever, or we end up rebooting a crashed computer. It shouldn't happen, but does.

We've built the Beyond Gee Whiz site to be simple, fast, stable, compatible and secure. As much as practical, it's written in standard HTML 4.01, validated through the World Wide Web Consortium, and robustly hosted by the folks at Hosting Matters. And, because we want this site to be more than just a list of products, we edit static pages linked to the Merchant OrderForm "bolt-on" shopping cart.

We avoid making gratuitous changes, but the site will be growing steadily as we add more products and information, so check back frequently. We're grateful for your feedback: please send it to   .

To report problems, please contact Webmaster.
© 2002 Beyond Gee Whiz --- All rights reserved.
W3C Validated HTML 4.01 W3C Validated CSS