The Links Follow
News |
"Science and Technology News and Discussion."
Discover Magazine
Most of the current issue and an archive of past issues.
Free online access for registered visitors.
nature: scienceupdate
Nature News Service's daily round-up of science research, updated at midnight GMT.
Science @ NASA
Recent developments in space, astronomy, earth, biological and physical sciences.
Some online articles; subscribers can access archived articles a week after the cover date.
Physics Central
Physics from the American Physical Society.
Physical Sciences Information Gateway: headlines in astronomy,
chemistry, earth sciences, history/policy, materials and physics.
Scientific American
Part of the current issue is online for free; other features can be purchased.
ScienceDaily Magazine
"Your link to the latest research news."
Science magazine
AAAS members have full access; the free registration allows considerable access
with full research articles available a year after publication.
Science News
"The Weekly Newsmagazine of Science." Full access for subscribers; partial access for others.
The Scientist
"The News Journal for the Life Scientist." Unlimited access after free registration.
The Why Files
"Science Behind the News" (Univ. of Wisconsin).
General Science |
Infrared Imaging
Heat, temperature, infrared light and seeing the world through infrared imaging.
Aerodynamics of Airplane Wings
"Stop Abusing Bernoulli!" (how wings really work).
Acronym Master List for LANL
Acronyms in usage at the Los Alamos National Lab - helpful in decoding scientific,
governmental and military alphabet soups.
PBS: Science and Technology
Almost an encyclopedia from the PBS TV network.
Schlumberger SEED
Science labs, articles, careers (several languages).
General Science - Links |
Awesome Library - General Science
Discussions, games, lesson plans, lists, materials, news, papers, periodicals, projects, etc.
Hot K-12 Science Resources
Beloit College's K-12 science links.
Ask a Science/Math Expert
CIESE's links to a few dozen Ask-a-Scientist sites.
Hot Links by Subject
Links to science resources from McREL.
Invention Related Links and Resources
MIT's Invention Dimension program gives lots of links for kids, inventors and others.
Science Resources on the Internet
Links from the Center for Chemistry Education
Virtual Library: Science
Cataloged links to vast quantities of information.
Earth Sciences |
Advancing Earth Science Education
American Geological Institute's (AGI) Education Department: EarthComm for high school;
IES and CUES for middle school.
GPS (Global Positioning System)
Several "Expeditions to the Seafloor" lessons with an educator's companion for the teacher.
- /
Earth science software and information.
Microsoft's aerial photo site - find your house!
Weather -
An introduction to the atmosphere, weather and climate; also, some useful links.
Articles on severe weather from the Multi-community Environmental Storm Observatory.
NASA Earth Observatory
Images and data from earth satellites, plus reference material and activities.
NASA's Visible Earth
"A searchable directory of images, visualizations, and animations of the Earth."
Info. on ocean currents, habitats, life, its regions, the water and research vessels
(Office of Naval Research).
NOAA - National Weather Service
Observations, forecasts, warnings and education.
NeMO Seafloor Observatory
"A seafloor observatory at an active underwater volcano." Virtual tours and curriculum materials.
Recent earth phenomena (tornadoes, earthquakes, floods, volcanoes) and related information.
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere
Almost everything related to Earth's magnetosphere, starting with William Gilbert in 1600.
The Great Magnet, the Earth:
400 Years of "De Magnete"
The science and stories are said to be appropriate for a grade 9 earth science course
- or younger (no math).
Volcano Live
Volcano news, photos, webcams, live seismographs, volcanology and more.
Water Science for Schools - USGS
"...many aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an interactive center..."
Satellite images & data
Real-time satellite images and derived data at the Space Science and Engineering
Center (SSEC).
Earth Science Links |
Awesome Library - Earth Sciences
Discussions, lesson plans, lists, materials, papers, periodicals, projects, trips...
GSA: K12 education links
The Geological Society of America presents some K-12 education links.
CoVis Geosciences Resources
"Directory of Online Learning Resources."
"Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center."
Virtual Library: Earth Science
Lots of links: cartography to remote sensing.
Space |
SECIS Online
The sun, solar system, space science, computing, research and the Solar Eclipse Coronal Imaging System.
Astronomy Magazine: star charts, space news, photos.
Mars Student Imaging Project
Apply for the project, or just use the Mars resources.
Awesome Library - Astronomy
Links: from asteroids to Venus.
Multiwavelength Astronomy
"Revealing the Universe In All of its Light!" Images of the Universe, from radio
wavelengths through X-ray energies - many for direct comparison.
Reaching for the Red Planet
A multi-purpose curriculum on Mars for grades 4-6.
Planetary Science Research Discoveries
Recent research on planets, meteorites, and other solar system bodies.
Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission
Data and photos from the landing of the NEAR spacecraft on the asteroid Eros on Feb. 12, 2001.
The Hubble Space Telescope Project
Astronomy images via links in the Image Gallery.
NASA Spacelink
"An Aeronautics & Space Resource for Education."
Space Sciences
Information on space (Office of Naval Research).
From Stargazers to Starships
History, Newtonian mechanics and astronomy, with lesson plans and a Spanish translation.
Io: Jupiter's Volcanic Moon
One of the more intriguing places in the solar system...
Astronomy and astrophysics
Scientific American's "best of the Web" picks
A virtual space trip to Mars, with pictures from Nasa.
Down-to-earth Astronomy
Hubble photos; education and museum resources.
Iowa Robotic Telescope Facility
Observing time is available on the Univ. of Iowa's 18-cm refractor and a 50-cm reflector in Arizona.
UC Santa Barbara Astrophysics Project
A remotely operated telescope, images, astrophysics, with a program for high schools
and junior colleges.
Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI)
A 3-D tour of the solar system; a "Library" link to hundreds of thousands of images
(some available online); K-12 education activities and resources; a "Research" link
to other incredible sites.
The Past |
Origins of Life on Earth
Awesome Library - Paleontology
News, papers, projects, etc.
Becoming Human
"Paleoanthropology, Evolution and Human Origins."
UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology
On-line access to their collections and an educational unit on the history of life.
The Yoho-Burgess Shale Foundation
"The world's most significant fossil discovery."
Jurassic Park Institute
Dinosaur news, info & fun...and some links.
Collapse: Why Do Civilizations Fall?
The collapse of some past civilizations (
Paleomap Project
Climage change and continental mothion
A million-year-old human archaeological site.
Life Sciences |
Biology topics by students
Some nice biochemistry, entomology, microbiology, neurobiology and physiology presentations
by Univ. of Arizona biology students.
Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body
The engravings and text from the 1918 edition.
CELLS alive!
Cell photos and information; video clips for a fee.
"An amazing Online Virtual Dissection of a Frog."
Seeing, Hearing and Smelling the World
A nice presentation on how the senses work, with the full content available as a .pdf file
(Howard Hughes Medical Institute).
Curriculum Resources
Anatomy and life cycles: ferns, earthworms, frogs, fetal pigs, humans and more
(John Burroughs School).
Online Biology Book
A great on-line biology book at the introductory college level; by M.J.Farabee.
Microbe World
Educational activities, hundreds of images, articles and a kids' area covering microbiology
(American Society for Microbiology).
MIT Biology Hypertextbook
Intended to supplement the MIT Introductory Biology course, complete with great illustrations.
Genomics Primers
Genomics and DOE's Human Genome Project. Printable. Includes a good dictionary.
The Big Picture Book of Viruses
A catalog of virus pictures on the Internet and an educational resource on viruses.
Kimball's Biology Pages
John Kimball's general biology text, "Biology," online.
The Animal Diversity Web
Descriptions and photos of thousands of species - by, and for, students (Univ. of Michigan).
Genetic Science Learning Center
Genetics articles, activities and educational resources.
Neuroscience for Kids
A huge amount of well-organized information, activities and resources, grade school through college.
Food & Nutrition |
Food Oxidation experiment
Discussion and experiment on anti-oxidents.
Vitamin C titration
See Experiment 7 from Prof. Shawn Phillips.
Our Food
Discussion and database of food-related issues.
Food Safety Information
Food safety from the US CDC, EPA, FSIS and FDA.
Food and nutrition
Food safety and nutrition resources for student reports.
Field Biology |
Sonoran Desert Naturalist
The Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico - a field guide
of the flora and fauna, plus maps and information for visitors,
Soil Biological Communities
Biological crusts, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes, athropods, mammals and the soil food web -
a lot about dirt from the Bureau of Land Management.
Online field guides on 4800 plants and animals, with thumbnail photos for easy searching; nice.
The Horseshoe Crab
"The Horseshoe Crab: Natural History, Anatomy, Conservation and Current Research."
Biomes & ecosystems of the world
Kid-friendly sections on freshwater and marine ecosystems; the rainforest, tundra,
taiga, desert temperate and grasslands biomes (MBGnet).
Operation RubyThroat
An international, cross-disciplinary education and research project on hummingbirds,
aimed at K-12 teachers and students in Central and North America.
Butterflies: On The Wings Of Freedom
Great butterfly info. for kids, teachers and others.
An interactive, educational site on whales and marine research,
with links to satelite tracking maps.
Wolf Source
Online educational wolf resource (with an agenda, as well as information).
Life Science Links |
Awesome Library - Botany
Links to discussions, lists, papers, periodicals, projects, purchase resources.
Awesome Library - Biology
Links to lesson plans, lists, materials, papers, periodicals, projects, search engines.
Links for biology, chemistry, biochemistry, lab safety, teaching science...
WWW Resources
Biology, biomedical, genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, neurobiology and software
resources (McGill University). (Netscape problems, but OK with MSIE.)
National Association of Biology Teachers
Links on life sciences, education and more; aimed at biology teachers.
Virtual Library: Microscopy
Huge collection of cataloged links.
Biology Resources
Biology resources (University of Delaware Library).
Virtual Library: Biosciences
Huge collection of cataloged links.
Environment |
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement
Global warming: DOE's educational site is mostly for kids, but links to more "serious" sites.
Awesome Library - Ecology
Lesson plans, lists, papers, projects and links.
Encyclopedia of the Atmospheric Environment
A UK government site with short entries covering topics from acid rain to weather.
Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
Sustainable development and related issues (UK gov't).
Information and opinion on global warming and other environmental issues
(Environmental News Network).
EPA: Global Warming
Global Warming (US Environmental Protection Agency).
U.S. EPA Environmental Education Center
Information and links to environmental laws, curriculum, resources and activities.
Solid waste, hazardous waste & sewage (
America's Threatened Streams
Look up your local rivers and streams in this database.
Chemistry & Materials |
A Tutorial for High School Chemistry
Study resources for students in high school and Advanced Placement chemistry (ChemTeam).
Free chemistry labs & worksheets
Free labs and worksheets in .pdf format (or CD-ROM, for teachers) - Cavalcade Publishing.
Chemical Heritage Foundation
Interesting on-line articles, activities and tutorials related to chemistry and its history.
Educational resources from the American Chemical Society and others via the Educators & Students link.
Magic & Lecture Demos
Chemical magic and lecture demos, and useful recipes.
The Learning Matters of Chemistry
Miscellaneous chemistry resources.
Periodic Table of the Elements
An excellent, clickable table (Los Alamos Natl. Lab).
Chemistry Resources
Demonstrations, labs, tips and more.
"Exploring the Structure of Materials" for grades 9-12, from Berkeley Lab.
Organic and Biochemistry
Teaching resources for three biochemistry courses (Barry Ganong of Mansfield University).
The Polymer Science Learning Center
Polymer chemistry, information, activities, demos, experiments. Some parts work
better with MSIE.
HyperChemistry on the Web
Includes a chemistry glossary and home experiments; the clickable periodic table seems broken.
Other parts work better with MSIE.
A very nice clickable periodic table.
Chemistry Courses
The syllabus, lecture notes, problem sets and many useful links for several chemistry
courses (Assoc. Prof. Scott Van Bramer).
Science Is Fun
Home experiments from the Lab of Shakhashiri.
Chemistry Links |
Molecule of the Month
Molecules of the last several dozen months, actually.
Virtual Library - Chemistry
Links for Chemists.
Awesome Library - Chemistry
BioChemLinks: General Chemistry
Tutorials, periodic tables, molecules, analysis, problem sets, quizes, lab experiments.
BioChemLinks: Organic Chemistry
Tutorials, references, molecules, nomenclature, spectra, problem sets, quizes, lab experiments.
A to Z Home's Cool Homeschooling
Links to chemistry experiments.
Smile Program - Chemistry
About 200 single-concept lessons are available.
Reciprocal Net
Structure of several hundred common molecules; also crystallography information.
The Catalyst
"Chemistry resources for the secondary education teacher." Links, teaching materials,
demos, Q & A.
Materials Science: Resources
Internet resources (University of Delaware Library).
Chemistry and Biochemistry: Resources
Internet resources (University of Delaware Library).
Physics |
First Year Physics Experiments
Nottingham - First Year Physics Experiments
Physics Lecture Demonstrations
U.C. Berkeley lecture demonstrations: illustrated and briefly described.
Computers, Teachers, Peers
Overview of the Computers, Teachers, Peers curriculum; basic physics topics.
Bridge engineering, history and construction; look at the Learning Center.
Britney's Guide to Semiconductor Physics
A good semiconductor physics tutorial, with an overlay of Britney Spears and
British physics humor
Snow Crystals
A beautiful mix of cystalography, history and art.
Playground Physics
Playground Physics (grades 4-7), solar system activities and K-12 resources,
from Mary Urquhart, Ph.D.
Practice exam problems, plus the "Physics Topics," "Physics Links" and "References" links lead
to a wealth of good information.
High School Physics
High school physics quizes, labs, practice tests: good material from the teachers
at Glenbrook South.
Jefferson Lab Science Education
Reference material, activities and more.
Isotopes, Nuclear Science, Radioactivity
A very nice table of isotopes (that needed MSIE to work correctly)
and tutorials on nuclear science and radioactivity from the Berkeley Lab.
Demonstration Bibliography - PIRA
A large bibliography of physics demonstrations from the Physics Instructional Resource Association.
The short abstracts often make the idea clear, but one will sometimes need the original article.
The Particle Adventure
A tutorial on particle physics, print-quality particle charts and lnks to particle
physics education sites.
"Comprehensive online resource for Physics and Physical science teachers and students."
Coalition for Plasma Science
The "fourth state of matter" - information and resources.
Fundamentals of Physics Companion Site
Student companion site to the well-known introductory physics text -
Halliday, Resnick, Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, 6th ed. The information, links,
interactive illustrations, etc. are useful on their own.
Physics Links |
Awesome Library - Physics
Lesson plans, lists, papers and projects.
American Physical Society: Resources
Weighted towards professional physicists, but with education links and other things of general interest.
Demo Room Information
Links to many university demo room databases.
CPEP Fusion Web Site
"Introductory educational materials on fusion energy and the physics of plasmas."
STEM-Net - Physics
K-12 physics education links.
The Physics Classroom
"A high school physics tutorial" - complete with some cool animations.
PhysicsWeb - resources
"Physics news, jobs and resources" - links to organizations, education, computing and other.
Physics and Astronomy: Resources
Lots of links (University of Delaware Library).
Virtual Library - Physics
Guide pages to several areas of physics.
Math & Computation |
MacTutor History of Mathematics
Mathematics biographies and history, starting with the Babylonians and base-60 arithmetic.
Virtual Library - Mathematics [FSU Math]
Links to on-line books, general resources, software, preprints, journals, etc. (Florida State Univ.)
Math in Daily Life
Math examples of interest to the average person (
Statistics in an election poll context (
K-4 Math Resources
Some good Links from Marymount School.
AP Statistics Resources
Some good Links from Marymount School.
The Math Forum @Drexel
Math education, resources and issues.
Algebra Help
Elementary algebra resources, incl. "Helpful Math Links."
NCTM Illuminations
Grades PreK-12: "Illuminating a New Vision for School Mathematics."
Science U Geometry Center
Some geometry activities and articles.
Computational resources - CSERD
A huge catalog of computational software (Computational Science Education Reference Desk).
Mathematics: Internet Resources
Links, mostly for advanced mathematics.
The Integrator
On-line integrals done (via Mathematica).
Science & Society |
Science and Society Picture Library
Images important to science, history and society.
"Examines bioscience issues in environment, biodiversity, genomics, biotechnology,
evolution, biology in the new millenium, and education. Includes peer-reviewed
articles and educator resources."
"Case-study general chemistry curriculum supplements."
Galileo Galilei
An important figure in the history of science - and of its interaction with society.
Internet History of Science Sourcebook
Mathematics and science history, from Babylon, on.
History of Science Society
Follow the "Teaching & Research" link.
Women in Science
Careers in science, with electronic field trips to various labs; aimed at women, but useful to anyone.
Google: Science in Society
Hundreds of links...
History of Science and Technology
Internet resources (University of Delaware Library).
Humor, Poetry & Music |
OXymoron Humour Archive
Articles, scientific and otherwise.
Physics songs and poems, including links to other(!) sites with physics songs.
The Annals of Improbable Research and the Ig Nobel Prizes: these folks are serious about humor.
Science Humor Webring
Follow the ring to your heart's content; some sites may not be in good taste.
Dr. Chordate
Science humor and music links.